Componente fondamentale dei tessuti connettivi. È il costituente liquido sinoviale, presente
all'interno delle articolazioni, protegge le cartilagini dall'usura e dai carichi eccessivi
ne fornisce la nutrizione, accelerando i processi riparativi e fornendo un ottimo livello di
idratazione, turgore, viscosità e plasticità. Mantiene la forma e il tono dei tessuti –
Filtra agenti infettanti o altre sostanze dannose per i tessuti. L'invecchiamento dell'articolazione porta
ad una diminuzione del liquido sinoviale e ad una diminuzione della produzione di acido ialuronico con a
conseguente aumento degli attriti tra le superfici articolari ed insorgenza di
disturbi come, ad esempio, l’artrosi e l’artrite. Per questo motivo l'assunzione di
L'acido ialuronico è particolarmente efficace nel trattamento e nella prevenzione dell'artrosi e
fenomeni articolari traumatici di media e lieve entità.
Confezione:30 compresse
First Infant Milk, with a 29% fermented dairy-based blendWe are devoted to providing you and your baby our very best. We don't produce for any supermarket own-label brands.For information on Halal, visit our webiste
Nutritionally complete formula**Suitable as a sole source of nutrition from birth and as part of a weaning diet from 6 months.Contains DHA ** (Omega-3)**As required by the legislation for all infant formula.The beginning of your baby's life is a special and beautiful time.Our passionate team of more than 500 scientists and experts have developed our Aptamil® First Infant Milk, inspired by 50 years of research in early life science. Our formulation is nutritionally complete and suitable from birth as a breastmilk substitute.Aptamill® First Infant Milk is a breastmilk substitute and is suitable for babies from birth.With Vitamin D to support the normal function of the immune system.
Ashwagandha or red ginseng is obtained from withania somnifera. A native plant of India known for its richness in antioxidant actives and its regenerative properties. It has been used for more than 5,000 years in traditional medicine, especially for its high content of withanolides, a group of naturally occurring steroids. Ashwaganda is a natural product, from organic farming.
With LCPs (long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids)
Patented fiber blend
Tailored to your baby's needs
The Aptamil products from birth initial milk is specially tailored to the needs of your baby in the respective development phase. It contains a patented fiber blend and LCPs - long-chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids that babies cannot produce sufficiently in the first few months.
Le Rognon est un choix populaire pour les amateurs de viande, offrant une texture tendre et une saveur riche qui rehaussent vos plats préférés. Ce rognon est soigneusement sélectionné pour sa qualité et sa fraîcheur, garantissant une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle. Il est parfait pour les grillades, les rôtis et les plats mijotés.
Disponible en différentes tailles, le Rognon est idéal pour les cuisines professionnelles et domestiques. Son emballage pratique assure une manipulation facile et une conservation optimale. Que vous soyez un chef professionnel ou un cuisinier amateur, ce rognon est un choix incontournable pour des résultats culinaires de qualité.
High-quality 46% urea is used as an agricultural fertilizer and is of paramount importance in improving the quality of agriculture as it gives 46% nitrogen.
Maltit - kalorienreduzierter Zuckerersatz
Maltit (E965) ist ein kalorienreduzierter Zuckeraustauschstoff, der ähnlich wie Zucker schmeckt. Mit einer Süßkraft von etwa 90% wie Zucker kann Maltit nahezu 1:1 gegen Zucker ersetzt werden.
Der Verzehr von Maltit bewirkt einen nur sehr geringen Anstieg des Blutzucker- und Insulinspiegels und enthält nur etwa halb so viele Kalorien wie Zucker.
Maltit wird u.a. verwendet für die Herstellung von Bonbons, Keksen, Schokolade, Desserts aller Art, Speiseeis, Marmeladen, Kaugummi, etc..
Bei Tagesdosen von mehr als 30-50 g für Erwachsene kann eine abführende Wirkung auftreten. Deshalb wird ein täglicher Verzehr von max. 30-50 g empfohlen.